Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Prillar-Guri Plate

While looking for a subject matter for the center of my crazy Gudbrandsdal plate I came across a reference to Prillar-Guri. According to oral tradition, Prillar-Guri placed herself on a promontory on the other side of the river to the advancing Scottish troops at the battle of Kringen in 1612. Today the site is called Prillarguritoppen. She either played her horn to distract them and then moved a piece of clothing to signal the ambush; or else she commenced playing as the signal.
On my first trip to Norway I brought a book with me called "Prillar Guri, A Heroine of Old Norway". I read it while we were travelling and left it at a hostel for others to enjoy.
16" plate in Gudbrandsdal style with Prillar-Guri illustration

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