Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Homework report: October 1, 2014

Exhibit A: Here I was working from a section of a sleigh from Norway. I really like the look of this!

Exhibit A: Inspired by the Sleigh

Exhibit B: My first try at adapting an old panel design into my own interpretation. Not wild about the flower but I like the blues and greens on the orange background.

Exhibit B: First try - homework I

Exhibit C: I like some of the colors achieved in this sample. The shapes are pretty awful. The cool outsides of the leaves and the warm insides--look good to me. The lower left corner is goofy looking.

Exhibit C: 2nd try - homework II

Exhibit D: Another quick warm up exercise to feel the flow of the strokes. It's just a couple of colors of paint on a piece of tracing paper.

Exhibit D: Just another quick practice
Exhibit E: I incorporated a landscape from Norskedalen for the plate with one of my early border attempts.

Exhibit E: Norskedalen 10" Plate
Exhibit F: An 8" bowl with a Gudbrandsdal center. I did this one before our September 18th session.

Exhibit F: 8" bowl with warm cool color scheme

Exhibit G: This is the plate I started at our September 18th session. It is a pattern of Pam's invention. The colors are mine but the bones of this are Pam. I love the flow and the sculptural quality of the design. In the coming weeks I will be working on a border for this plate.

Exhibit G: Center design completion 9.30.2014

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