Monday, May 18, 2015

Our last formal meeting: April 16, 2015

This is a jpg of the table top display Jan made to show some of the work she did during the apprenticeship. It also explains the inspirations for her epic bowl. She wanted to tell a story around the rim of the bowl. It illustrates the Battle of Kringen during August of 1612. 
A refinement of Jan's version of an Ole Moene inspired design. The beginning attempts are on the previous post.

The inside motif was inspired by an object on display at the Vesterheim Museum.

The Scots invading Norway in August, 1612.

The inside of the lid represents the universe and everything in it.

Prillar Guri sounds the alarm.

The battle between the Norwegian farmers and the invading Scots.

The top design was inspired by a sleigh painted by Jacob Klukstad. The sleigh is at the Maihaugen Museum in Lillehammer.

The church and cemetery symbolizing peace.

During the last formal meeting Jan showed Pam her epic bowl. Jan thinks of the bowl as a record of her progress in learning the Gudbrandsdal style of rosemaling. She painted the bowl on her own, using the things she learned during Pam's instruction. She painted many sample boards before starting to paint on the actual object. She wanted the bowl and its illustrations to have meaning to the Gudbrandsdal region. When she learned that the story of Prillar Guri took place in Gudbrandsdal during the Battle of Kringen in August, 1612, Jan knew she had the subject matter for the illustrations.
The bowl itself was turned out of basswood by Paul Loftness. It was turned a few decades ago. The finial is walnut and was turned by the late Mark V. Morrison. Jan wanted a more militaristic look to the top of the bowl so she replaced its original finial with this one. The finial was fitted for the bowl by Jon Sutcliffe.

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