Monday, March 23, 2015

March 12, 2015 penultimate studio visit with Pam

Pam's flowers and a couple of flowers from antiques.

Jan's first attempt at Gudbrandsdal flowers.

The top photo shows examples painted by Pam, plus two examples from antique pieces. The bottom photo shows my first attempts at Gudbrandsdal flowers. I used a large round brush. That was the first time I have attempted to rosemal with a round brush.

We also discussed the paintings I did in the previous weeks. The design ideas were taken from the Ole Moene book of Gudbrandsdal carvings. Pam offered her comments on some of the turnovers. 

My homework is to practice the Gudbrandsdal flowers and to refine the Ole Moene designs, especially the shapes of some of the leaves. We talked about the constituents of dirty white: raw umber + ultramarine blue 1/4:1 and another that has raw umber and yellow ochre. Pam was using a dark, medium and light dirty white on a Gudbrandsdal piece she was painting.