Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Big Bowl - research & development. December 4, 2014

I have been drawing and re-drawing the plans for the Big Bowl. It involves drawing something, refining it, painting a sample of it, redrawing it, painting a new sample, re-evaluating it, tweaking it, and finally painting it on the big bowl. Here are some of the sketches I've done.
Preliminary sketches for the Big Bowl.

The big bowl showing the mockup of the scene that will go around the middle of the bowl.
The Big Bowl with the mockup of the rim scene.

The big bowl first sample of the rim mockup. This has since been refined and will be narrower. This sample was a 2" rim and now I've decided to make it 1.5". Still don't know if I'll add the yellow rope.
The first sample for the bowl below the scene.

Thursday, December 4th, Pam and I had a site visit from Ann Pryor of the Wisconsin Arts Board.